3D content and interactive technology join forces in this unique space, turning each corporate presentation into an unforgettable cinema experience.
To create this corporate presentation showroom, at Pictures That Move we began with a completely blank screen.
From there, seeking an experience for the audience, we created a presentation concept using central and peripheral vision, with surround sound. Working with these concepts, we designed a completely customized space, screen and fittings.
But the true jewel in the crown in this space is the content: a real-time Ventuz 3D presentation with a resolution of 10,000 pixels to explain INDITEX’s key figures, business model and sustainability policy. The speaker controls the presentation via the holographic touchscreen and can decide what topics to deal with at any time. All of the presentation’s content, whether it be texts, numbers, 3D images, photos or videos, are updated in real time using a database and multimedia containers.
The main focus of the room is a curved 26 × 3 m screen, upon which 8 devices blend their projections using 64,000 lumens. A 70-inch holographic touchscreen and a RadarTOUCH system provide the interactive experience in the room. All of this equipment works automatically. To do so, we have developed a control app so the client can set up the room and the devices using a simple tablet. The projectors are calibrated semi-automatically using 2 cameras and a laser system similar to the one fitted in the new generation of Airbus simulators.
PTM has handled the content and maintenance of the presentation room remotely since it was launched in July 2018.
Original idea & EP: Peter Specht
Production Coordination: Ana García
Interior design: Raúl Vera
AV engineer: Miguel Ángel Yunta
Art Direction: TACT
Ventuz 3D design: Markus Greuter
Ventuz Backend: Guillermo Plazola
Ventuz Backend: Kai Rosenbrock